[05/24/2007]: [Abhaya] - Updated wn_stem.pm to fix a bug and include the lang parameter [version 0.6 05/03/2007]: [Abhaya] - Evaluation of MT output in French, German and Spanish is now supported. Use --lang option to specify the language. - Parameters for score computation have changed. So the scores from this version are not comparable with scores from older versions. - use of porter_stem now requires Lingua Snowball Stemmers which can be obtained from CPAN. For details, see README.txt - sample_stop_list.txt in the distribution is now called sample_stop_list_en.txt. Sample stop lists for other languages are not available [version 0.5.1 12/18/2006]: [Abhaya] - No stoplist is used by default now. - Handle the case of reference system IDs and test systemIDs being same. - Output can be genertaed in two formats, one a sgm file with the original segs annotated with score and corresponding refID and other a stripped down version with no sgml using plainOutput option. Details in README.txt. - Assign a score of 1 when the hypothesis and reference are identical by explicitly checking number of matches and number of chunks. - Added --keepPunctuation option to retain the punctuation during the normalization (to match the NIST normalization). Default is to remove everything non alphanumeric from the data. [version 0.5 10/20/2006]: [Abhaya] - Internal changes to make wn_modules faster. - Accept test files with nbest lists. For details, see README.txt [version 0.4.3, 4/18/2005]: [Bano] - Expanded the segment reading regular expressions in the readSGMfile function to incorporate unexpected characters beween the tokens of the tag . This was in response to the problem where meteor.pl would refuse to read in files with the tags . [version 0.4.2, 4/11/2005]: [Bano] - Changed switch "-d " to "-l " so that user can specify the name of the output sentence-by-sentence log file. [Version 0.4.1, 4/1/2005]: [Bano] - Fixed some bugs that got inserted with code clean up in version 0.4 regarding reading in the sgm files. [Version 0.4, 3/27/2005]: [Bano] - Did miscellaneous code clean-ups in main meteor.pl code to improve maintainability. Cleaned up output.